Hack Night 3.13

Jan 19th, 2024 • 8:00 PM—4:00 AM







This week's Hack Night was a bit smaller than normal because many regulars were at BoilerMake. One cool thing though is that many of those people stopped by Hack Night at some point to say hi and even work on their BoilerMake projects.

The blocks for the Purdue Hackers sign were finally 3D printed, so shortly before Hack Night, the sign circle bought a big metal pipe from Menards, then cut it into pieces and assembled the sign at Hack Night. It's almost done!!!

We also ran a session on making music with midi, the BoilerClasses people shipped some updates, and updates to organize.purduehackers.com began.

So, slightly smaller event than normal, but still amazing vibes :)

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