Hack Night 5.7

Oct 20th, 2024 • 8:00 PM—10:20 AM







🍐 We ran another passport ceremony, with 7 high-quality passports!

🍐 The bakers made buckeyes, and printed receipts entitling folks to at least one buckeye.

🍐 A small group of folks pulled out a webcam and recorded interviews with Hack Night attendees, about what they do at & think about Hack Night, how long they've been in Purdue Hackers, etc.

🍐 The Sign finally shipped after a year and a half of work!!!!

🍐 People shared awesome stuff at 🏁Checkpoints, including a Nintendo DS Emulator (1 year in the making!) the Sign, and a platformer game where you bounce on top of music visualizations, which began at the Hack Night 5.0 brainstorming session!

🍐 Bruce Schechter, a Purdue alum and startup investor, chatted with students for 2 hours.

We covered lots of ground at Hack Night 5.7!!!

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