Hack Night 5.8
Oct 25th, 2024 • 8:00 PM—5:30 AM
phone bell
BURST ✷ announcement
👻 We had a spooky Hack Night this week! People were invited to dress up for tonight and they did not disappoint!
👻 Folks had a lot of fun the Systems Circle, with the highest attendance it has had to date!
👻 At 🏁 Checkpoints we got to debut the ☎️✨ Phone Bell ✨☎️ a new method of alerting people to open the door for people who want to get in to Hack Night!
👻 People also showed off software that lets you yell at a computer to make it faster, mathematical visualizations for a point-circle, and more!
We also revealed information about our culminating show at the end of the semester... BURST ✷

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